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Campaspe River

Campaspe River flows

Campaspe River Flows

The construction and operation of Lake Eppalock has significantly altered downstream river flows and reversed the seasonal flows of the Campaspe River.

The storage captures rainfall run-off and reduces natural winter and spring flows downstream, which is then released as increased flows over summer and autumn. Higher flows in summer can mean less suitable habitat for juvenile fish. Delivering water to users downstream in the Murray River when they need it over summer is essential, and we have been working cooperatively to do this in an environmentally sensitive manner.


This cooperation results in deliveries to downstream users having as little negative effect on native plants and animals as possible.The aim of the Campaspe Environmental Water Management Plan is to rehabilitate the Campaspe River's highly valued and ecologically important river red gum communities, native fish and platypus populations and facilitate its connection to the Murray through the provision of an appropriate water regime.

The current focus for environmental flow management is to both continue and maximise recovery of the Campaspe system after the drought and 2010-11 floods with the primary emphasis on native fish and riparian vegetation.

This will be achieved primarily by the provision of winter flow components including high flows and freshes Successful negotiations with the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder and The Living Murray Program have given North Central CMA access to a volume of water for use in the Campaspe, and inter-valley transfers provide an alternative pathway for delivering consumptive water to provide environmental benefit in the river.

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