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Lake Elizabeth

Lake Elizabeth 

Lake Elizabeth received a series of top-ups aimed at establishing suitable conditions for future Murray hardyhead translocation. These deliveries have bolstered the abundance of saline aquatic plant biomass in the wetland, with a 65% increase in coverage since environmental water was first delivered in 2014.

Lake Elizabeth continued to support significant waterbird populations with an average of 1,400 individuals and up to 18 different species recorded during separate surveys. Grey teal, black swan and Eurasian coot were particularly abundant, and threatened species such as freckled duck, Ballion's crake, whiskered tern, hardyhead and Australasian shoveler have been commonly recorded. In addition sharp-tailed sandpiper, a species listed under a number of migratory agreements, have been consistently recorded at the wetland since October 2015, with as many as 104 individuals counted in November 2015.
