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Three states join together to fight carp in the Murray-Darling

23 Sep 2016

On World Rivers Day, Natural Resource Management groups from across three states have announced they have joined together to help rid the Murray Darling Basin of one of its biggest pests.   

Organisations responsible for managing the natural resources of the Murray landscape in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia have formed the Tri-State Murray NRM Regional Alliance and one of its first tasks is to work with the federal and state governments to take aim at carp.   

These rabbits of the rivers are one of the most invasive and damaging pests across the Basin and the Alliance is ready to support its management and planned destruction.   

Just as biocontrol agents have been successfully used to control rabbits in Australia, we’re excited that a virus that has been killing carp overseas could do a similar job in our waterways.   

The Federal Government is working with the CSIRO to develop the carp herpes virus over the next two-and-a-half-years and the Alliance is at the coal-face of engagement and management.   

Matt Barwick of the NSW DPI recently spoke at a special North Central Catchment Management Authority carp forum about the virus, where the development is up to and what it will mean for communities across the three states.

Click on the link to watch the video

For further information please contact: 

Communications Officer, North Central CMA
PO Box 18, Huntly VIC 3551

t: 03 5448 7124


